Author Archives: Farmers 4 Forest

Bullet Point: JAKARTA– Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation (4F) together with 4 nonprofit civil society organizations namely High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA), Palm Oil Smallholders Union (SPKS), Greenpeace and High Conservation Value Network launched the Deforestation-Free Toolkit for smallholders on Monday, June 24, 2024. The Deforestation-Free Toolkit for Smallholders was produced in collaboration with several organizations and has undergone a process of field-testing with smallholders in West Kalimantan over the past 4 years. The guide is more than 54 pages of simplified, practical guidance for smallholder communities to identify and mapping areas of forest and land cover in their villages. Tirza Pandelaki, Executive Director of 4F said “Not only does it contain practical guidance for identifying and mapping forest cover areas, the Deforestation Free Toolkit for Smallholders will strengthen natural resource institutions and governance, and implement forest protection management and monitoring tools, as well as provide incentives for communities to…

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Pontianak, – Pemerintah Selandia Baru sedikitnya telah menggelontorkan uang senilai NZ$24.800 atau sekitar Rp239 juta untuk mendukung konservasi hutan di Kabupaten Sanggau dan Sekadau, Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar). Dana ini disalurkan melalui Yayasan Petani untuk Pelindung Hutan atau Farmer For Forest Fund (4F). “Pendanaan ini akan memberikan dampak yang besar dalam melindungi hutan adat yang tersisa di Sanggau dan Sekadau, serta bagi kehidupan masyarakat desa,” kata Tirza Pandelaki, Direktur Eksekutif 4F dalam siaran pers tertulis yang diterima, Kamis (25/4). Tirza mengatakan, pihaknya telah berjuang selama bertahun-tahun untuk melindungi hutan yang sangat penting bagi budaya, mata pencaharian, dan kesejahteraan spiritual masyarakat. Untuk itu, ia berterima kasih dan sangat menghargai dukungan dana dari Kedutaan Besar Selandia Baru. “Kami akan fokus untuk memberikan dampak langsung di lapangan dan bermitra dengan petani lokal serta masyarakat adat,” ujarnya. Salah satu anggota dewan pembina yayasan, Aida Greenbury menambahkan bahwa dana ini akan memberikan kontribusi besar dalam melanjutkan program yayasan untuk mendukung…

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JAKARTA-Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation (4F) have received NZ$24,800 to support forest conservation with the local communities in Sanggau and Sekadau Districts, West Kalimantan. “The funding will have a big impact on protecting the remaining customary forest in Sanggau and Sekadau, and on the lives of the village communities. They have been struggling for many years to protect the forests that are essential for their culture, livelihoods and spiritual wellbeing. We thank and appreciate the generous support from the New Zealand Head of Embassy Fund.” said Tirza Pandelaki, Executive Director of 4F. “Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation or 4F has received the funds and is acting as an intermediary to facilitate the support being provided to the two districts. We’re focused on having direct impacts on-the-ground and partnering with the local smallholders and Indigenous communities. And this contributes greatly to continuing our programmes to support marginalized smallholders to conserve forests,…

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28th March 2024New Zealand Government funds customary forest protection in West Kalimantan Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation (4F) have received NZ$24,800 to support forest conservation with the local communities in Sanggau and Sekadau Districts, West Kalimantan. “The funding will have a big impact on protecting the remaining customary forest in Sanggau and Sekadau, and on the lives of the village communities. They have been struggling for many years to protect the forests that are essential for their culture, livelihoods and spiritual wellbeing. We thank and appreciate the generous support from the New Zealand Head of Embassy Fund.” said Tirza Pandelaki, Executive Director of 4F. “Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation or 4F has received the funds and is acting as an intermediary to facilitate the support being provided to the two districts. We’re focused on having direct impacts on-the-ground and partnering with the local smallholders and Indigenous communities. And this contributes…

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