

Deforestation-Free Toolkit for Smallholders officially launched

Bullet Point: JAKARTA– Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation (4F) together with 4 nonprofit civil society organizations namely High Carbon Stock …

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Selandia Baru Danai Perlindungan Hutan Adat di Kalbar

Pontianak, – Pemerintah Selandia Baru sedikitnya telah menggelontorkan uang senilai NZ$24.800 atau sekitar Rp239 juta untuk mendukung konservasi hutan di Kabupaten Sanggau dan …

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New Zealand Government funds customary forest protection in West Kalimantan

JAKARTA-Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation (4F) have received NZ$24,800 to support forest conservation with the local communities in Sanggau and …

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