Category Archives: Press Release

28th March 2024New Zealand Government funds customary forest protection in West Kalimantan Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation (4F) have received NZ$24,800 to support forest conservation with the local communities in Sanggau and Sekadau Districts, West Kalimantan. “The funding will have a big impact on protecting the remaining customary forest in Sanggau and Sekadau, and on the lives of the village communities. They have been struggling for many years to protect the forests that are essential for their culture, livelihoods and spiritual wellbeing. We thank and appreciate the generous support from the New Zealand Head of Embassy Fund.” said Tirza Pandelaki, Executive Director of 4F. “Farmers for Forest Protection Foundation or 4F has received the funds and is acting as an intermediary to facilitate the support being provided to the two districts. We’re focused on having direct impacts on-the-ground and partnering with the local smallholders and Indigenous communities. And this contributes…

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